Markets, public policy, and public administration

Readings and class materials for Monday, July 24, 2023–Tuesday, July 25, 2023


Important: PDFs of the readings are on iCollege.

  • Keira Shae, “Dear American Taxpayers, Thank You for Saving My Life”
  • Charles E. Lindblom, “The Science of ‘Muddling Through’” Charles E. Lindblom, “The Science of ‘Muddling Through’,” Public Administration Review 19, no. 2, Spring (1959): 79–88.
  • Esther Duflo, “Policies, Politics: Can Evidence Play a Role in the Fight Against Poverty” Esther Duflo, “Policies, Politics: Can Evidence Play a Role in the Fight Against Poverty?” ~ (Washington, D. C.: Center for Global Development, April 2011).


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Videos for each section of the lecture are available at this YouTube playlist.

You can also watch the playlist (and skip around to different sections) here: